While it used to be a common building product, praised for its cheap production costs and effectiveness as an insulator, asbestos is now more commonly known for being extremely toxic and harmful to humans. More specifically, asbestos spores can cause multiple health problems, most notably mesothelioma, which often results in death. It is now illegal to produce or unnecessarily expose people to asbestos. Asbestos is most commonly found in old buildings, or at construction sites during a demolition. It is an employer’s duty to provide a safe work environment and protect their workers from avoidable hazards, such as asbestos exposure.
A jury found that two New York construction companies did not keep their workers safe, and may have even knowingly exposed them to asbestos. Five workers from the two companies, who were steamfitters, plumbers, and construction workers, all developed mesothelioma as a result of their exposure to asbestos spores. The workers claim that their exposure came from their work, and that their employers are liable for their injuries.
Daniel Blouin, the workers’ attorney, claimed in court that the two defendant companies subjected thousands of men and women to a terribly toxic substance, and that “it is likely the companies took a calculated risk in doing so.” The jury ultimately found that the companies had acted negligently, by exposing their employees to asbestos, and ordered them to pay the five plaintiffs a total of $190 million in personal injury damages. This is the largest asbestos-injury award in New York history.
Asbestos exposure may take years to manifest symptoms and disease. In lawsuits, it can be extremely difficult to prove a specific party or source to be at fault, which is why you are going to want the best representation possible. If you or a family member have been injured, or contracted a fatal disease such as mesothelioma, as a result of asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Call us 24/7 at 617-787-3700, or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!