Students Gut Asbestos-Filled Building.

The Buckeye Education School in Berea, Ohio is subject to a criminal investigation for permitting its students and other individuals to gut a building containing asbestos.

According to officials, students who attended the school spent several weekends removing material from a former YMCA building filled with asbestos, without the proper protective gear.

Ohio state regulations require a building owner to use certified contractors to remove asbestos. However, video footage captured students taking the material out of the building. When authorities arrived at the site, they found three dumpsters containing material allegedly filled with asbestos, along with other contaminated material around the property.

It is unclear how much asbestos got into the lungs of the students volunteering at the site, but health inspectors urge students and others to report what they did at the site and for how long.

The building was purchased to allow the school to move to larger premises.

Have you or a loved one been the victim of an asbestos injury? If so, please contact our Boston, MA asbestos injury lawyer specialists, Boston personal injury lawyers or Boston, MA wrongful death lawyers now at 617-787-3700. Our Massachusetts asbestos injury lawyers, Massachusetts personal injury lawyers and Boston, Massachusetts wrongful death accident attorney advocates can also be reached by email at

The expert Massachusetts asbestos injury lawyers at our nationally recognized Boston, Massachusetts asbestos injury law firm are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 617-787-3700. Our Boston, MA law firm will provide you with a free and confidential consultation to discuss the merits of your Massachusetts asbestos injury claim. Please call 617-787-3700 today to get the wrongful death damages or personal injury damages you deserve.

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